This position will start off in a single location and eventually travel to 2 or more different locations near Matteson, Illinois to perform recall-related service on vehicles.
Specialized tools & service truck are provided!
Are you looking for a NEW career as a remote-based Automotive Mechanic? Do you enjoy working independently? We will provide a company vehicle for service travel, monthly incentive programs and a proven culture for you to succeed.
Our Mobile Maintenance Service Technician position may be your answer!
Join the #1 Performance Chrysler Team and Mobile Recall Services.
Does this describe you?
APPLY NOW and enjoy going to work again!
As a part of our family of Experienced Technicians, you will have the opportunity for both personal and professional advancement in the automotive industry.
As a mobile maintenance technician you will:
Work Remotely
Job Type: Full-time
Pay: From $24.00 per hour
Work Location: In person