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New Legislation: Empowering Consumers with AI Data Consent

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital technology, concerns regarding consumer privacy have reached a critical juncture. With the proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) applications, there's a pressing need for robust legislation to safeguard individuals' personal data rights. The introduction of the AI CONSENT Act by Senate Democrats signifies a pivotal moment in addressing these con

Apr 17, 2024
15 mins to read
The Impact of New AI Data Consent Legislation on Job Seekers and Employers

In today's digital landscape, where personal data plays an increasingly pivotal role, the enactment of the Artificial Intelligence Consumer Opt-In, Notification Standards, and Ethical Norms for Training (AI CONSENT) Act signals a significant juncture for both job seekers and employers alike. This legislation introduces rigorous prerequisites for securing explicit consent before utilizing consumer

Apr 17, 2024
11 mins to read

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