Police Officer

10 months ago
Employment Information

Job Description

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Patrols assigned area on foot, by bicycle, scooter, or in patrol car, to enforce laws, prevent and discover crimes, investigate crimes, maintain order, and answer calls and complaints;
  • Answers radio/computer-dispatched, or citizens' requests for police services at the scene of accidents, domestic disputes, law violations, and peace disturbances, or other related scenario;
  • Familiarizes self with their patrol assignment and with persons living in area;
  • Investigates illegal or suspicious activities, persons, and establishments, and quells disturbances;
  • Locates, searches, detains, and arrests law violators, following recognized police procedures;
  • Displays promptness for all duty assignments, i.e., roll call, and scheduled court hearings;
  • Interviews and questions victims, witnesses, and suspects;
  • Gathers and preserves evidence;
  • Performs first aid and provides other assistance to accident and other victims;
  • Investigates causes and results of incidents/accidents;
  • Directs and controls traffic;
  • Issues written citations for traffic and other minor violations;
  • Operates police communication and computer equipment to obtain, disseminate, and report information;
  • Attends community meetings to discuss crime prevention activities and crime problems;
  • Writes detailed incident, investigation, activity, and other reports;
  • Testifies in court to present evidence by describing conditions, situations, and actions;
  • Performs other related duties as assigned.

Job Requirements

Education and/or Experience

Incumbent must possess a high school diploma or GED and meet one of the following:

  • Successfully completed at least 30 semester hours of college credit with coursework in any subject from an accredited college or university; OR
  • Served in the US military, including the Organized Reserves or National Guard, for at least two years on active duty and, if separated, have received an honorable discharge; OR
  • Served at least three years in a full-duty status with a full-service police department in a state or municipality within the United States and if resigned or retired, have done so in good standing.

Incumbent must possess a valid driver’s license prior to appointment and during tenure of employment.

Incumbent must pass a medical examination, including being of proportionate weight and height.

Incumbent must:

  • Pass a psychological examination and drug-screening test;
  • Pass a thorough background investigation;
  • Possess a high moral character for carrying out law enforcement duties;
  • Be a United States citizen;

This position is designated as “essential”

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